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Showing posts from August, 2020

The secret of Happiness

The secret of Happiness  A. Many people think that being clever, rich and attractive is the best way to find happiness. And you what do you think? Explain. B. Look at these reasons for happiness and organize them in order of importance to you (beginning with the most important). 1. friends and family 2. money 3. religion 4. not wanting more than you have 5. intelligence 6. being attractive 7. helping others 8. your genes 9. growing old 10. being married   The Secret to Happiness Is Helping Others  By Jenny Santi  There is a Chinese saying that goes: ➤“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” For centuries, the greatest thinkers have suggested the same thing: ➤  Happiness is found in helping others. For it is in giving that we receive – Saint Francis of Assis ➤  The sole meaning o...

7 traits the rich have in common

A.  Answer the questions below, read the article and discover if you have the traits to be a billionaire 😉:  1.   Is 8 hours of work a half-day for you? 2.   Can you function/work on 4 hours of sleep? 3.  Does this phrase describe you? “Anything is possible and there is nothing I can’t do”. 4.   Let's suppose you have a solid business plan. Would you borrow from your 401(k) investment  to start a company? 5.   Would you prefer to bring in a business partner than go it alone?   6.   Do you spread your investments around rather than  bet the farm on one thing ?     7 traits the rich have in common Billionaire moguls Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey are highly entrepreneurial with great confidence in their creative ventures. Those are just two of the traits broadly shared by the self-made rich, experts say. Amassing wealth without a trust fund is no easy feat. There isn't a magic recipe for making millions, but certain ingr...