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Showing posts with the label business english

9 Mind-Bending Moral Dilemmas That Will Challenge Your Conscience

Here are some thought-provoking moral dilemmas we found online. Read each one, then think about what choice you'd make if you were in that situation. Feel free to discuss them with your teacher or colleague! Note : These scenarios are truly challenging, and neither choice may feel perfect. That’s what makes them dilemmas! Keep that in mind as you decide. Here are some dilemmas: The Lifeboat Capacity You’re on a lifeboat after a shipwreck, and there are 10 people on board. Supplies, however, are only enough to sustain five people until rescue is expected to arrive in a week. If all 10 remain, there’s a high chance everyone will starve or dehydrate. You and the others are forced to decide:    Will some people need to leave the lifeboat to give the rest a better chance? How do you decide who stays and who goes, knowing that anyone who leaves may not survive? The Limited Medicine As a doctor in a rural clinic, you receive only one dose of a rare medication each month, but this tim...


Image credit: Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don't like.'" A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level. About the speaker: Rita F. Pierson spent her entire life in or around the classroom, having followed both her parents and grandparents into a career as an educator. 🠊 See speaker profile ➤  Listen to the audio below, without subtitles, and answer the quiz. Every kid needs a champion Rita Pierson | TED Talks Education • May 2013 Quiz 1 - Choose the best alternative 1. Who was the speaker's role model for the importance of relationships in education?  a) James Comer  b) George Washington Carver  c) Stephen Covey  d) None of the above 2. According to James Comer, what is necessary for significant learning to occur?  a) High attendance rat...