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6 formas de dizer PONTO em inglês Você sabe dizer ponto em inglês? image credit: Aqui estão seis formas de dizer "PONTO" em inglês, dependendo do contexto: Point: Geralmente usado em um contexto abstrato ou matemático, como "point of view" (ponto de vista) ou "decimal point" (ponto decimal). ➤ From her ' POINT OF VIEW ', the situation seemed dire, but from his, it appeared manageable. Dot: Usado para descrever um ponto em uma superfície, como em "periods are represented by dots" (pontos são representados por pontos) ou "dot on the map" (ponto no mapa). ➤  The 'DOT' on the map marked the location of the hidden treasure. Period: Comumente usado nos Estados Unidos para se referir ao ponto usado para marcar o final de uma frase em texto. Mas também pode ser usado para descrever um ponto específico em uma linha temporal, como "Victorian period" (período vitoriano). ➤ In American English, we use a ...


Image Credit: Marketing and publicity are important for businesses because they help: ➤ Make People Aware : Letting people know about your business and what you offer. ➤ Get Customers : Attracting new customers to buy your products or services. ➤ Keep Customers Happy : Keeping current customers happy so they keep coming back. ➤ Manage Reputation : Making sure people think positively about your business. ➤ Learn About Customers : Understanding what customers like and need. ➤ Make Money : Increasing sales and earning more profit. ➤ Stand Out : Being different and better than competitors. In short, marketing and publicity help businesses grow, make money, and stay ahead of the competition. NOUNS:      1.   The advertisement: A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event. Ø   The advertisement for the new smartphone was displayed prominently on billboards across the city. 2.   The marketing channel: A medium ...