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Image Credit: ❶ First difference: Say and tell are used to report ideas or information that was expressed in spoken language. The most important difference between them is that... ...with  say , you " don't need  to mention "   who the ideas or information were shared with...  ...but with tell , " you do". Examples:  ✅  Correct: Ligia said /séd/  that she likes guacamole. ❌Incorrect: Ligia told that she likes guacamole.     Instead you must say: Ligia told me that she likes guacamole.” =========== =========== ❶   Second difference:  say goes with preposition to , since it identifies the person who was spoken to.  Examples:  ✅  Correct:  That’s what Ligia said /séd/ to me. ❌Incorrect:   That's what Ligia said /séd/ me.  However, tell to  is incorrect.  ✅  Correct:  That’s what Ligia said /séd/ to me.  ❌Incorrect:   That’s what  Ligia said me. ✅...