Image credit: ¿Cómo decir vecindad en inglés? ¿Cómo decirle a alguien que estarás cerca de su casa, de su pueblo o barrio? Como falo vizinhança em inglês? Como fala pra alguém que você estará perto dela/dele, perto da sua cidade ou bairro? someone's neck of the woods - idiom (also this neck of the woods): The area someone comes from, or the area where you are. Example: 👨 I’m surprised to see you in this neck of the woods. 👨 Next time you’re in this neck of the woods, drop in. 👨 Actually, I'm thinking about heading to your neck of the woods to see that show. 👨 In my neck of the woods, we have a saying that children are our greatest treasure, because they are our future. 👨 Basically, in our neck of the woods, Russia has the gas. 👨 T hey are operating in Slovakia and four reactors are operating in our neck of the woods, close to Greece, in Kozlodoui. SEMANTIC ENIGMAS Source: theguardian 💭 Where does the phrase "m...
Seabra Idiomas blog contains many activities to assess or practice grammar and listening. An answer key with explanations is also included in the end of each lesson. New activities are posted regularly. Teaching english with audio lessons is inspiring and highly motivating.