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Showing posts with the label negocios américa latina


Image credit: ¿Cómo decir vecindad en inglés? ¿Cómo decirle a alguien que estarás cerca de su casa, de su pueblo o barrio? Como falo vizinhança em inglês? Como fala pra alguém que você estará perto dela/dele, perto da sua cidade ou bairro? someone's neck of the woods - idiom (also this neck of the woods): The area someone comes from, or the area where you are. Example:  👨 I’m surprised to see you in this neck of the woods. 👨   Next time you’re in this neck of the woods, drop in. 👨   Actually, I'm thinking about heading to your neck of the woods to see that show. 👨   In my neck of the woods, we have a saying that children are our greatest treasure, because they are our future. 👨   Basically, in our neck of the woods, Russia has the gas. 👨  T hey are operating in Slovakia and four reactors are operating in our neck of the woods, close to Greece, in Kozlodoui. SEMANTIC ENIGMAS Source:  theguardian 💭 Where does the phrase "m...


How great leaders inspire action Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership -- starting with a golden circle and the question: "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers. ⮚ All successful people know that success doesn't come easy and they are bound to fail more than they will succeed at anything. But, w hy do Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers were able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions? A. Listen to this TED speech below and answer to the question above: Youtube: B. Discuss these questions with your teacher: 1.  What are the 4 pros and 4 cons of being an employee? 2.  What are 4 pros and 4 cons of being an entrepreneur? 3.  Do you know any entrepreneur? 4.  Does your country have a lot of entrepreneurs? Who do you admire the most and why? 5.  What type of business makes the most profit? 6....


Image credit: "QUIT  " vs "QUITE " vs "QUIET " QUIT   // kwɪt // :  "pedir demissão", "parar" ou "desistir" QUITE   // kwaɪt // :  "bem" ou "completamente" QUIET   // ˈkwaɪ.ət // :  "quieto", "tranquilo", "baixo" ou “silencioso” ___________ ___________ QUIT   // kwɪt // : "renunciar (trabajo)", "dejar" QUITE   // kwaɪt // : "bastante", "absolutamente o completamente QUIET   // ˈkwaɪ.ət // : "tranquilo", "silencioso", "callado"  _____________ _____________ Examples with " QUIT   // kwɪt // ":  ⮚ Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money? ⮚ Quit wasting my time! ⮚ Her assistant quit without an explanation. ⮚ Mr. Turner quit his job as a loan officer to take up dairy farming. _____________ _____________ Examples with  QUITE   // kwaɪt // :  ⮚ The two situations are quite different. ...


IMAGE CREDIT: ➤  ➤  Working in the business world varies widely from culture to culture and it can be really challenging to bridge the language gap at work, but learning a set of basic business-related terms is a great place to start. That’s where we come in! See below some useful words for specific industries, so you can learn the English you can actually use in the real world. ➤  Trabajar en el mundo de los negocios varía mucho de una cultura a otra y puede ser realmente desafiante cerrar la brecha del idioma en el trabajo, pero aprender un conjunto de términos básicos relacionados con los negocios es un buen lugar para comenzar. ¡Ahí es donde yo entro! Presento abajo algunas palabras más útiles para industrias específicas, para que puedas aprender el inglés que utilizarás en el mundo real. ➤  Trabalhar no mundo dos negócios varia muito de cultura para cultura e pode ser realmente desafiador preencher a lacuna linguística no trabalho, mas aprender um ...


Past simple – regular verbs Rule 1: If the verb base ends in a voiceless sound, then the –ed ending sounds like “t”. The “t” is blended together with the previous consonant and NOT PRONOUNCED as an extra syllable. A voiceless sound is like a whisper. Your vocal cords DON'T VIBRATE . Voiceless consonant sounds:  p, f, k, s, sh, ch, th 👉 Examples of past tense verbs where the  –ed   ending sounds like  “t” wor k ed -  drop p ed -  fini sh ed -  divor c ed -  stop p ed -  lau gh ed -  cou gh ed -  wat ch ed Rule 2 :   If the verb base ends in a  voiced sound ,  then the –ed ending sounds like  “d”.    The  “d”  is blended together with the previous consonant and  not   pronounced as an  extra syllable.         Rule 3:   If the verb base ends in a “t” or “d” sound already, then the –ed ending sounds ...