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Showing posts with the label geração x


➤➤ Listen to this audio, fill in the gaps and answer the question below: ➤➤ Ouça este áudio e responda as questões abaixo: ➤➤  Escucha este audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas: 1. China accused US of being ___________  and ___________ . Why's that?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2.  I keep hearing ___________  stories of small businesses having trouble hiring people who show up for a second week of work. There will be they're day one, but the following week maybe not.  What happened after Apple asks they're employees to be back at a minimum of three days in-person? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3.  The children of inmmigrants coming to America ... a) have a badder income trajectory than Americans....


What Is a Synonym? Synonyms are two different words that have the same, or very similar, meaning. They can be any part of speech, which is a category of words grouped together by their function (and include verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, or prepositions), as long as both words are the same part of speech. This means that they both have to be nouns or both have to be verbs. ¿Qué es un sinónimo? Los sinónimos son dos palabras diferentes que tienen el mismo significado o un significado muy similar. Pueden ser cualquier parte del discurso, que es una categoría de palabras agrupadas por su función (e incluyen verbos, adjetivos, adverbios, sustantivos o preposiciones), siempre que ambas palabras sean la misma parte del discurso. Esto significa que ambos tienen que ser sustantivos o ambos tienen que ser verbos. O que é um sinônimo?  Sinônimos são duas palavras diferentes que têm o mesmo significado, ou muito semelhante. Eles podem ser qualquer parte do discurso, que é uma categoria de...