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Showing posts with the label motivation


Volunteer firefighter Mark Bezos tells a story of an act of heroism that didn't go quite as expected -- but that taught him a big lesson. What is that?  ⮚ O bombeiro voluntário Mark Bezos conta a história de um ato de heroísmo que não aconteceu como esperado, mas que lhe ensinou uma grande lição. Qual foi essa lição? ⮚ El bombero voluntario Mark Bezos cuenta la historia de un acto de heroísmo que no salió como él esperaba, pero que le enseñó una gran lección. ¿Cuál fue esta lección? ⮛ Click on the link below and answer to this question. ⮛ 🔗 A life lesson Post listening questions 1. Mark Bezos is the _________________________ for a non-profit called Robin Hood. What are the two career roles he develops? a. fight fire and criminals b. fight poverty and is also a fire captain c. fight poverty and fight fires as the assistant captain. 2. What does he remember form his first fire? a. He was the second volunteer at the scene and there's a bad chance of he was going to get in. b. ...