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Showing posts with the label expressões em inglês


Image credit: ¿Cómo decir vecindad en inglés? ¿Cómo decirle a alguien que estarás cerca de su casa, de su pueblo o barrio? Como falo vizinhança em inglês? Como fala pra alguém que você estará perto dela/dele, perto da sua cidade ou bairro? someone's neck of the woods - idiom (also this neck of the woods): The area someone comes from, or the area where you are. Example:  👨 I’m surprised to see you in this neck of the woods. 👨   Next time you’re in this neck of the woods, drop in. 👨   Actually, I'm thinking about heading to your neck of the woods to see that show. 👨   In my neck of the woods, we have a saying that children are our greatest treasure, because they are our future. 👨   Basically, in our neck of the woods, Russia has the gas. 👨  T hey are operating in Slovakia and four reactors are operating in our neck of the woods, close to Greece, in Kozlodoui. SEMANTIC ENIGMAS Source:  theguardian 💭 Where does the phrase "m...