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Showing posts with the label imposto de renda


Affordable care act   As you may be aware, it is currently tax season in Brazil. This fact has come to my attention not only due to the numerous emails I have received reminding me of this occasion but also through my interactions with others. As those I know complete their tax returns, I observe their pure joy as they realize they’ll be receiving a refund from the IRS. 👉 VOCABULARY ⮚ Weave  – Past Simple: wove/weaved -  to  form  something from several different things or to  combine  several different things, in a  complicated  or  skilled  way: ⏺ The biography is woven from the many accounts which exist of things she did. ⮚  Ibuprofen  -  a  drug  used to  reduce   pain  and  swelling ⮚  IRS  -  Internal Revenue Service (= the part of the US Treasury Department that collects most taxes owed to the federal government, including income tax) ⮚  Cheating  -...