TOM HANKS MEETS THE QUEEN A. Develop your vocabulary. BEFORE LISTENING to Tom Hanks interview, do the exercise below. Desenvolva o seu vocabulário. ANTES DE OUVIR a entrevista com Tom Hanks, faça o exercício abaixo. 1. If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to ___________ how to prevent it happening again. a) figure it out b) find out c) puzzle out 2. Virginia's state government seemed unable to find anyone to ___________ who has not either applied boot polish to his face while at college or been accused of sexual assault. a) Run out of b) Bring out the place c) Run the place 3. T.Hanks was talking about how he was dressed and said: That´s not a rental, by the way . “By The Way” is used to … a) introduce a new subject to be considered or to give further information. b) change the topic completely, or when we want to bring back the original subject after being interrupted. c) when we talk about the route, dire...
Seabra Idiomas blog contains many activities to assess or practice grammar and listening. An answer key with explanations is also included in the end of each lesson. New activities are posted regularly. Teaching english with audio lessons is inspiring and highly motivating.