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1.   Are you  a multitasker or a monotasker? 2.  Does it affect your life? If yes, how? 3.   Do you always finish what you start? 4.   Could m onotasking be more effective than multitasking?  Why? Why not?  5.  What are the pros and cons of multitasking/monotasking? 6.   What are the multitasking skills? 7.   What are the monotasking skills? 8.   What is a good example of multitasking? 9.   What is a good example of monotasking? 10.  Is multitasking a learned skill or you're born with it?  Forget multitasking, try monotasking   People don't just cook anymore — they're cooking, texting, talking on the phone, watching  YouTube and uploading photos of the awesome meal they've just made. Designer Paolo Cardini questions the efficiency of our multitasking world and makes the case for —  gasp  — "monotasking." Paolo Cardini is a product designer who asks serious questions about how we live — and answers ...


  10 WAYS TO HAVE A BETTER CONVERSATION 1.   Before listening to the audios, discuss these questions with your teacher or friends:  a.   How can I improve my conversation skills? b.   How do I have a fun conversation? c.   How can I talk better in a conversation? d.   How do you have a good phone conversation? e.   Why do I struggle with conversation? f.   How can I improve my small talk skills? g.   How do I stop being boring? h.  How do I stop being a dry Texter? i.   How can I talk smarter? j.  How can I talk confidently? 2.   In this insightful talk, Celeste Headlee shares with us 10 useful rules for having better conversations. "Go out, talk to people, listen to people," she says. "And, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.  I took some parts of this audio (you can see the whole transcript in TED Talks).  Listen to it, and fill in the blanks with Celeste´s "1 0 useful rules to ...

Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes | Richard St. John

  8 SECRETS OF SUCCESS from TED Talks 1. Before listening to the audio below, answer these five questions:  a.  Why do people succeed?  Is it because they're smart? Or are they just lucky? b.  What is the difference between those who make (success) and those who don’t? c.  Have you ever seen someone come close to breaking through but then not succeeding?  d.   Why is it important to be successful? e.   What is true success in life for you? 2. Listen to this audio, read along its transcription and fill in the gaps:  0:11  This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students,  cut down to three minutes.  And it all started one day on a plane, on my way to TED,  seven years ago.  And in the seat next to me was a high school student, a teenager,  and she came from a really poor family.  And she wanted to make something of her life,  and she asked me a simple little question.  She ...


Volunteer firefighter Mark Bezos tells a story of an act of heroism that didn't go quite as expected -- but that taught him a big lesson. What is that?  ⮚ O bombeiro voluntário Mark Bezos conta a história de um ato de heroísmo que não aconteceu como esperado, mas que lhe ensinou uma grande lição. Qual foi essa lição? ⮚ El bombero voluntario Mark Bezos cuenta la historia de un acto de heroísmo que no salió como él esperaba, pero que le enseñó una gran lección. ¿Cuál fue esta lección? ⮛ Click on the link below and answer to this question. ⮛ 🔗 A life lesson Post listening questions 1. Mark Bezos is the _________________________ for a non-profit called Robin Hood. What are the two career roles he develops? a. fight fire and criminals b. fight poverty and is also a fire captain c. fight poverty and fight fires as the assistant captain. 2. What does he remember form his first fire? a. He was the second volunteer at the scene and there's a bad chance of he was going to get in. b. ...