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13 Habits Of Humble People Jeff Boss A.   Choose the correct heading for paragraphs 1 – 13 from the list of headings below: They retain relationships / They listen / They accept feedback / They a ssume They´re situationally aware / They put others first / They ask for help / They´re curious They speak their minds / They start sentences with “YOU” rather t han “I” r esponsibility   They take time to say “THANK YOU” / They Have An Abundance Mentality They make difficult decisions with ease   Humble people can receive a bad rap. Humility is frequently associated with being _____ passive, submissive or insecure, but this couldn’t be any further from the truth. Instead, humble people are _______ the opposite—confident and competent in themselves ______ much that, as a result, they seek to self-actualize by helping theirs. Humble people are still self-efficacious; they just don’t feel the impetus to boast about themselves but...