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➤➤ Listen to this audio, fill in the gaps and answer the question below:
➤➤ Ouça este áudio e responda as questões abaixo:
➤➤ Escucha este audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas:

1. China accused US of being ___________  and ___________ . Why's that? 

2. I keep hearing ___________  stories of small businesses having trouble hiring people who show up for a second week of work. There will be they're day one, but the following week maybe not. 
What happened after Apple asks they're employees to be back at a minimum of three days in-person?

3. The children of inmmigrants coming to America ...
a) have a badder income trajectory than Americans. 
b) are less likely to succed than Americans. 
c) Have a better income trajectory than Americans do. 

4. What does quiet quitting means?
a. Keep the job, do work very hard and get fullfilment into work. 
b. Keep the job, don't work too much and focus on get fulfillment outside of work 
c. Kip in the job, don't work very hard and eat outside whenever it's possible. 

5. According to Gallup among those workers born after 1989, 54% call themselves  ____   _____________ meaning they'll _____  ____ to do the __________ ____________ but not else. 

6.  Paige West on this audio has an engineering degree and left the corporate consulting world for the ____  ________________. How come? 

7. What does the term "gig economy" means? 
a. a single performance by a group of economists
b. a temporary job
c. a two-wheeled carriage

8.  Paige West was mailing it in while someone was paying for her. Does she feel guilty about that? Explain. 

Listen to: 

Michael Smerconish: I get what you're saying. You're saying: 
👧 Paige West's possible thought, according to Michael: "Hey, I gave them a 100%. I was trying to plan my next move and I wanna make sure I was fulfilled outside the work force." 

Michael Smerconish: What I'm reading online and I have watched a lot of your videos, I'm suspicious that your're typical, if that's the case. I think that a lot of the others, I'll go old school and say: 
👨 Other people thought: She's loafing on somebody else's dime. 

9. What does the expression above, 'loafing on somebody else's dime', means: 
a. Fazendo pão com dez centavos emprestados de alguém. / haciendo pan con diez centavos prestados por alguien. 
b. vagabundeando e pedindo dinheiro pros outros. / Deambular y pedir dinero a las personas. 
c. Vagabundear às custas de outra pessoa. / Deambular a expensas de otra persona.

10.  Does Paige West thinks that this is a real trend or it is just a tale as old as time and we're now giving it a label: quiet quitting

11.  JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon said there's "truth" to China's claim that the U.S. is "incompetent and lazy". What does Paige West think about it? 

➤➤ Read the article below.
➤➤ Leia o artigo abaixo.
➤➤ Lea el artículo a continuación.

🔗 CNN Business  

➤➤ After reading check the new vocabulary below.
➤➤ Depois de ler confira o vocabulário abaixo.
➤➤ Después de leer checa el vocabulario a continuación.

➤➤ Pronunciation
➤➤ Pronúncia
➤➤ Pronunciación


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