How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership -- starting with a golden circle and the question: "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers.
⮚ All successful people know that success doesn't come easy and they are bound to fail more than they will succeed at anything. But, why do Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers were able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?
A. Listen to this TED speech below and answer to the question above:
B. Discuss these questions with your teacher:
1. What are the 4 pros and 4 cons of being an employee?
2. What are 4 pros and 4 cons of being an entrepreneur?
3. Do you know any entrepreneur?
4. Does your country have a lot of entrepreneurs? Who do you admire the most and why?
5. What type of business makes the most profit?
6. What factors would you consider for deciding the location of a restaurant?
6. What factors would you consider for deciding the location of a restaurant?
7. How are businesses today different from businesses in the past? Why?
9. What traits make someone a good entrepreneur?
10. Would you like to open your own business? What? Why or why not?