12 Questions For Your Working From Home Survey Written by Joshua Nicholas Working from home surveys can help ensure a smooth transition from office working to remote working. For many organisations, the drastic need to implement remote working following the Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging. It’s also an entirely new experience for most employees around the world. Here’s 12 questions for your working from home survey. 1. How do you feel about working from home? This will set the tone for the rest of the questionnaire 2. Have you worked from home before? If it’s a new experience for an employee then they’ll need extra support to ensure they can adjust to this new way of working. 3. Have you established a good work routine? Working alternative hours may be necessary due to child care, but if someone is logging in periodically over the course of a day and night, this may not be a healthy situation. 4. Are you taking regular breaks? From walking to the printer to making a cup of coffe...
Seabra Idiomas blog contains many activities to assess or practice grammar and listening. An answer key with explanations is also included in the end of each lesson. New activities are posted regularly. Teaching english with audio lessons is inspiring and highly motivating.