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  Song Lesson – The Scientist     A.      MATCH THE VERBS 1-6 TO THEIR DEFINITION A TO F.   B.       NOW, FILL IN THE GAPS WITH THE CORRECT VERB FROM EXERCISE A. THEN, LISTEN AND CHECK.     The Scientist   __________ to meet you, tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you, tell you I need you And tell you I __________   you __________ Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions Oh, let's __________ to the start Running in circles, __________ tails __________ a science apart Nobody said it was easy It's such a shame for us to part Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard Oh, __________ me __________ to the start   I was just guessing at numbers and figures __________   the puzzles _______. Questions of science, science, and progress Do not speak as loud as my heart   Tell me you...


Let, let’s 💬 Let: permission -  We use let to talk about permission. Let is followed by an object and an infinitive without to. Examples: Usamos let para falar sobre permissão. Let é seguido por um objeto e um infinitivo sem to. Exemplos: 👉  She let me look at the photos.  Not:   She let me to look … Ela me deixou olhar as fotos. 👉  She’d live on pizzas if we let her. Ela viveria de pizzas se a deixássemos. 👉  If Mom lets us go to the movies without her, I’ll be surprised. Se a mamãe nos deixar ir ao cinema sem ela, ficarei surpreso. 👉  Old McDonald lets the animals on his farm move freely. O velho McDonald permite que os animais de sua fazenda se movam livremente. 👉  The arrangement of tables in the restaurant lets you have very little privacy. A disposição das mesas no restaurante permite que você tenha muito pouca privacidade. 💭 Warning: We don’t use let in the passive with this meaning. Aviso: não usamos let in passive com este signifi...


A. Read the paragraphs below and add the missing capital letters and the following punctuations marks ( . , ? ! ). Hello This is Ed Morrison I wanna talk to you today about strategic doing give you a little bit of an introduction to strategic doing and how it's used and why you might find it valuable. so before we start to move into what strategic doing is, let's talk a little bit about the challenges that strategic doing was designed to meet These challenges of course are really embedded in the idea of complexity our old systems are breaking down the future is coming at us faster than we have ever experienced the boundaries are blurring people are integrating new networks are forming it all seems so so complex and the challenges of course is how we deal with this complexity what do we do how do we manage that one of the important insights of strategic doing is that we manage this complexity by following simple rules imagine yourself on the tightrope walking across Niagara Fall...


PRESENT SIMPLE TO BE 👇 Watch this video👇 O verbo TO BE, da língua inglesa, expressa dois significados: ser ou estar . Logo, tanto para dizer que ‘eu sou um professor’ (I am a teacher), quanto para dizer que ‘eu estou na escola’ (I am at school), deve-se utilizar o verbo “to be” conjugado. C. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of TO BE (am, are, is) and then translate them to your own language. 1. Peter Baker____from Manchester, but Paul and John____from London.  2. Manchester and London____cities in England.  3. Hamburg____a city in Germany. Sandra____at school today.  4. Jack and Peter____her friends. They____in the same class.  5. Mr and Mrs Baker____on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She____a nice girl.  6. Peter says: "My grandfather____in hospital and I____at home with my grandmother. 7. " What time____it? It____8 o'clock.  8. ____you tired? No, I____...