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Let’s talk about this hugely popular drink!

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A bad day with coffee is better than a good day without it. Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not?

2. Is coffee good for health?
“For most people, moderate coffee consumption can be incorporated into a healthy diet.” Hu said that moderate coffee intake—about 2–5 cups a day—is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson's disease, and depression.

What are negative effects of coffee?

Restlessness and shakiness
Fast heart rate
Dependency, so you need to take more of it to get the same results

4. Are you a coffee drinker? What’s your favorite type of coffee?

5. What time of day is best for drinking coffee? Why?

6. Do you know the history of coffee? There are many legends about the origin of coffee. One is that a goat herder noticed that goats who ate coffee berries had a lot more energy.

8. Do you notice a difference after drinking a cup of coffee?

9. Do you think it is good for people to get their energy in this way? Why/why not?

10. Do you know people who never drink coffee? What are their reasons?

11. Do you think the health benefits outweigh any negative aspects of drinking coffee?

12. Relaxing with friends in a coffee shop has health benefits too! What's your opinion about that?

13. What is your favorite coffee shop and why do you love it so much?

💬 Coffee is the favorite drink of millions.
💬 Coffee is undoubtedly one of the most popular drinks of all time.

The history of coffee shows people have been arguing about the drink for over 500 years

🔗Reading: INSIDER

After reading question: 

⮚ How would banning coffee affect today’s modern, busy society?

Origins of Coffee

A. Watch this youtube video about the history of coffee and answer the questions that follows it.

1. What is the origin of coffee?

2. What else did you learn about coffee from this video?

3. Which is your favourite type of coffee?

Black coffee is as simple as it gets with ground coffee beans steeped in hot water, served warm.
⭓ Latte
As the most popular coffee drink out there, the latte is comprised of a shot of espresso and steamed milk with just a touch of foam.

⭓ Cappuchino
Cappuccino is a latte made with more foam than steamed milk, often with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon on top.

⭓ Americano
With a similar flavor to black coffee, the americano consists of an espresso shot diluted in hot water.

⭓ Espresso
An espresso shot can be served solo or used as the foundation of most coffee drinks, like lattes and macchiatos.

⭓ Doppio
A double shot of espresso, the doppio is perfect for putting extra pep in your step.

⭓ Cortado
Like yin and yang, a cortado is the perfect balance of espresso and warm steamed milk.

⭓ Red Eye
Named after those pesky midnight flights, a red eye can cure any tiresome morning. A full cup of hot coffee with an espresso shot mixed in, this will definitely get your heart racing.

⭓ Galão
Originating in Portugal, this hot coffee drink is closely related to the latte and cappuccino.

⭓ Lungo
A lungo is a long-pull espresso.

⭓ Macchiato
The macchiato is another espresso-based drink that has a small amount of foam on top.

⭓ Mocha
The mocha is a chocolate espresso drink with steamed milk and foam.

⭓ Ristretto
Ristretto is an espresso shot. It uses less hot water which creates a sweeter flavor compared to the bitter taste of a traditional shot of espresso or a doppio.

⭓ Flat White
This Aussie-born drink is basically a cappuccino without the foam or chocolate sprinkle.

⭓ Affogato
Served with a scoop of ice cream and a shot of espresso, or two.

⭓ Café au Lait
Just add a splash of warm milk to your coffee and you’re all set!

⭓ Irish
Irish coffee consists of black coffee, whiskey and sugar, topped with whipped cream.


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➤➤➤ SAY x TELL




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