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A. Discuss these questions with a friend or your teacher.

1.  What annoys you about living where you live now?

2.   What annoys you about taking trains to work?

3.  What annoys you about driving a car?

4.  Do you get annoyed when someone cuts in front of you when you are waiting in line?

5.  What annoys you most about living at home with your family?

6.  Do you think you have habits that annoy other people?

7.  Does it annoy you when people kiss in public?

8.  What are some new pet peeves you have as a result of recent technology (i.e. cell phone use)?

9.  What annoying habits does your best friend have?

10.  Does smoking bother you?

11.  Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples.

12. What is the most annoying thing for you?

B. Make a list of 6 habits that can make people dislike someone.  



 Articles: ‘A/AN’, and ‘THE’

⬤ We use ‘THE’ when we know which thing, person, place, etc. because there is only one:

People call Steve Jobs ‘the’ father of modern smartphone.   

 We use or AN to talk about things or people for the first time:

⮚ Their soap operas always have
a rich man and his wife and ‘a’ housekeeper that fall in love with her boss.

  Tips: we use ‘THE’ to talk about a person or a thing for a second, third, etc. time:

⮚ The housekeeper fall in love with her boss.

⬤ We also use
‘THE’ with ‘first, second, third’, etc.:

⮚ Steve Jobs designed
the first’ consumer computer with a graphical user interface. 

⬤  Remember, using ‘A’ OR ‘AN’ depends on the sound that begins the next word. So... 

 ‘a + singular noun’ beginning with a CONSONANT SOUND: 

⮚ boy; car; a bike; a zoo; a dog.

 ‘an + singular noun’ beginning with a VOWEL SOUND: 

⮚ an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot; an orphan.

 ‘a + singular noun’ beginning with a CONSONANT SOUND: 

⮚ user (sounds like 'yoo-zer,' i.e. begins with a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' is used); a university; a unicycle

 ‘an + nouns’ starting with silent "h": 

⮚ an hour, an unusual...

 ‘a + nouns’ starting with a pronounced "h": 

⮚ horse, a house

⬤ ⬤ In some cases where "h" is pronounced, such as "historical," you can use an. However, a is more commonly used and preferred. 

C. Read along the following article and fill in the gaps with ‘THE’, ‘A/AN’ or ‘–’.


The worst part? You probably don't even realize you're doing them.

Even ___ politest people in ___ world have bad habits. While you may be acutely aware of some of them, there are countless others you don't realize you're doing—and worse yet, you may be seriously annoying other people by participating in them. From workplace habits that are ticking your coworkers off to frustrating behaviors you're doing in public, these are ___ most annoying things you're doing on ___ daily basis.

Sure, it may seem like ___ minor thing to you, but if you're pulling out your phone while talking to someone, you're almost certainly getting on their nerves by doing so. According to ___ survey conducted by late academic PM Forni, co-founder of ___ Johns Hopkins Civility Project, and ___ University of Baltimore's Jacob France Institute, using ___ cell phone mid-conversation was named among ___ top 10 rudest behaviors by ___ survey respondents. And if you want to curb those bad habits, Almost Half of Americans Won't Date Someone Who Does This.  

1. Not muting your background noise during meetings

It may not bother you, but that noise you're letting your whole workplace hear during online meetings is definitely annoying to everyone else. According to ___ April 2020 survey conducted by answering service company Moneypenny, among 800 full-time office workers polled, not muting during meetings was identified as ___ most annoying habit their coworkers engaged in. 

2. Wearing too much perfume or cologne

You may like ___ scent of that new fragrance, but that doesn't mean everyone around you does. According to ___ survey conducted by ___ Stratus Building Solutions, 51 percent of individuals polled said they'd found themselves olfactorily offended by their coworker's fragrance, making it ___ most annoying or distracting behavior among those polled. 

3. Using all caps

Of course, you want to get your point across, but using all capital letters isn't ___ way to do it— and doing so is definitely annoying other people. According to ___ 2020 study from ___ HR tech company Perkbox, 67 percent of respondents said that getting ___ email with all caps in it was annoying to them. 

4. Not returning your shopping cart

Sure, we all have those times when bringing ___ cart back to ___ store seems like more trouble than it's worth. That said, there's virtually nothing more annoying than finding ___ perfect parking spot in front of ___ store only to realize it's already occupied by someone's runaway cart. 

5. Talking ad nauseam about how busy you are

No matter what your job, your family situation, or your list of hobbies is, chances are, you consider yourself ___ pretty busy person. If you're constantly talking about how busy you are, however, it comes across as ___ most annoying kind of humblebrag. 

6. Tapping your feet

Why is it that ___ people in offices forget their manners with such shocking frequency? Tapping your foot under your desk does more than create distracting noise; it also has ___ tendency to shake whatever's on your coworkers' desks. 

7. Parking too close to ___ line in a parking lot

We've all been there: You're in ___ hurry to get into ___ store before it closes and you wind up parking your car ___ little too close to ___ line in ___ parking lot — or, worse yet, over it. Unfortunately, when you do this, you might just be the one who pays the price, in dings or scratches on your precious ride. 

8. Finishing ___ food item and putting ___ container back in the fridge

Whether it's ___ forgetful habit or just ___ lazy one, we've all been guilty of putting ___ empty container back in ___ fridge after you've taken ___ last bite or sip, setting someone else up for disappointment down ___ line. 

9. Replying all

"Reply All" is a great function when you're working on ___ group project or delivering information to your whole family in one fell swoop. However, in most settings, there's no reason to send your response to everyone on ___ email chain: Thanking your boss for your holiday bonus doesn't need to be something ___ whole office sees. 

10. Listening to music on your headphones loud enough so other people can hear

It's not always easy to tell how loud your music is when you've got your headphones on. The sound of ___ beat blasting out of someone else's earbuds, however, is never not incredibly irritating to hear. 

11. Eating loudly

Whether you're slurping soup or taking big bites of ___ salad, we've all been guilty of eating loudly at one point or another. And if you're ___ person who smacks their lips or kind of moans when something's really delicious, ___ someone out there is definitely annoyed by your dining habits.

 12. Standing too close to other people in line

Just because you've mostly mastered ___ art of standing in line doesn't mean you're free of annoying in-line habits. Case in point: all of those people who will get so close to you in a checkout line that you can feel their breath on your neck.

 13. Clicking a pen

It's ___ shame that pens are so fun to click over and over, because there are few sounds more infuriating, particularly in close quarters like ___ office.

14. Not being ready to order when you get to ___ counter

Sure, everyone gets flustered from time to time when they reach ___ counter after waiting in ___ long line. However, unless you're consciously trying to annoy everyone behind you, there's no reason to not know what you're getting by ___ time you reach the front of ___ line—even if you can't see ___ menu, this is what smartphones are for! Want to avoid putting ___ other people off? This one question you always ask can kill ___ conversation, ___ experts say.


D. Fill in with the article ‘A, AN’ or ‘’THE’ where necessary.

1. I like ____ blue T-shirt over there better than ____ red one.

2.Their car does 150 miles ____ hour.

3. Where's____ USB drive I lent you last week?

4. Do you still live in ____ Bristol?

5. Is your mother working in ____ old office building?

6. Carol's father works as ____ electrician.

7. The tomatoes are 99 pence ____ kilo.

8. What do you usually have for ____ breakfast?

9. Ben has ____ terrible headache.

10. After this tour you have ____ whole afternoon free to explore the city.

11. I have ____ good idea.

12. That's ____ interesting job!

13. They have found ____ gold in that old mine.

14. Do the Smiths have ____ yellow van?

15. Look! He's having ____ sandwiches.

16. He always likes ____ piece of chocolate.

17. I have ____ homework to do for tomorrow.

18.There's ____ nice girl in the red car.

19. Would you like ____ milk with your cookies?

20. How about ____ grapes?

21. Look at ____ sea!

22. Who is ____ lady in ____ picture?

23. I visited  ____ South Africa last summer.

24. The book is about ____ man who lives on ____ small island. ___ small island is in Panamá and ___ man is from Japan. 

25. I work as ____ only English teacher at this school.

26. Harry fixed ____ car, so we can go to ____ lake.

27. She goes to work by ____ bike.

28. Jamy likes ____ music, he plays ____ instrument.

29. Jamie likes ____ same song his mother liked. 

30. Jamie likes ____ pop music more than blues. 

31. Marie enjoys eating ____ Swiss cheese.

32. Marie always buy ___ Swiss cheese her mother makes. 

33. We have ____ small house in ____ village in ____ Netherlands.

34. ___ piece of cheese I bought was very good.

E. Fill in the gaps with ‘A/AN’, or ‘THE’.

___ small dog named Peanut was credited with saving the life of  ___ child after she led her owner to  ___  3-year-old girl who was lying naked and alone outdoors in Michigan’s freezing March temperatures. ___ persistent pooch, who had been adopted from  ___ shelter, barked and ran around ___ house until one of her owners got  ___ hint to open ___ door and let her out late last week, according to ___ Associated Press. Peanut then sprinted to ___ girl who was shivering in ___ field behind ___ dog’s home, ___ animal’s owner wrote in ___ letter to ___ shelter, which published ___  letter on Facebook. “By the time the ambulance and police arrived, ___ little girl could only say one thing – ‘doggie,’” ___ letter said.

F. Decided whether to use ‘THE’, ‘A/AN’ or ‘–’.

Hi, Jack!

I arrived in _x_ Brazil last Monday. We left _the_ USA, flew over for about 4 hours and made ___ quick stop in ___Colombia. There, we took  ___  free walking tour and visited ___ Salt Cathedral, ___ Roman Catholic church that was built in ___ tunnels of ___ old salt mine.  On ___ following day we left for ___ Rio de Janeiro. ___ time on board wasn't too boring as there were two films to watch on ___monitor.  ___ People on ___ plane were from ___ USA and ___ Brazil. Before we landed at  ___ airport, we saw  ___ Christ Redeemer and some beautiful beaches. I stayed in ___ coast hotel at ___ beach Copacabana. The staff was fantastic, and they did everything in their power to help make our stay perfect. The pool, the rooms and ___ grounds were clean, very safe, and ____ beach was right out front.

___ hotel was close to everything and we didn´t have to rent ___ car. We preferred to walk most of the time and take ___ Uber when necessary.

Please say hello to Cristine and Claudine.




G. Before listening read along this text, and fill in the gaps with ‘THE’, ‘A/AN’ or ‘–’.

Even though, we all know ___ money can't buy ___ happiness, that certainly doesn't stop us for wishing for it, which begs ___ question: Is money ___ matter of luck or their characteristics? Things we can copy, ___ successful people share.

Of course, wealth can come from luck as well as inspiration and, of course, perspiration. But in ___ decades, I've been reporting on money, I have seen trade successful people have in common and their traits we can all copy.

For example, goals. Henry Ford once said, ‘nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.’ Successful people use goals to aim at specific targets. 

*   Another important character trait is persistence. Successful people don't give up. ___  Beatles were actually told they had no future in show business. Stephen King was rejected 30 times before he got his first book published. Steven Spielberg couldn't get into USC film school.

Characteristic number three. Successful people keep learning. Bill Gates is worth seventy-six billion dollars and yet, he has ___ summer reading list, which is almost entirely non-fiction. 

Characteristic number four. They're not afraid to take risk or to fail.

Richard Branson has failed no less than 14 businesses, losing millions in ___ process. Yet he wrote ___ book called “Screw it, let's do it”.

And one final characteristic, their communicators. That's how billionaire Warren Buffett went from businessman to icon. Effective communication along with listening, is how you attract employees, partners, investors, and customers. 

*   Bottom line: while it's certainly convenient to think that  ___ successful people are all just lucky, it's better to believe that they have characteristics in common that you can copy, and I've got ___ bigger list of those characteristics waiting for you at Just do ___ search for successful people.

For money talks news, I'm Stacy Johnson.

⮚ Source Money Talks News:

H. Now, listen and check the previous exercise.


I. After listening and reading the script above answer the question below.

1. According to what you read and listened what things ‘All Successful People’ have in common?

J. Work in groups. Discuss the questions below.

1. What do you do?

2. What are you passionate about?

3. What is about your job that makes your heart sing?

4. How do you make your employees / coworkers happy?

5. How do you make your customers happy?


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